Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Puppy Love

I'm a huge dog lover. HUGE. Eric and I want to adopt a dog so bad.  Well, I do more than Eric does, but he said he doesn't mind if we get one as long as it's not a small dog and if I can find a way to take care of it.  That's the problem. Eric's work days on average are 14 hours.  On the days I work, I am gone for about 13.5 hours. I only work three days a week, but on those three days, the dog would be here alone all day.  Eric only works 10 minutes away, but it's not like he has a job where he can come home on his lunch break and feed/let the dog outside.  I work about 25 minutes away, and I'm not allowed to leave work for lunch either.  Even if I were allowed to leave, we only get 30 minutes for lunch. Right now I am kind of wishing we bought one of the houses we looked at with a huge backyard with a shaded porch.  That way we could have put a doggy door in the door to the backyard and left food and water out and the dog could go outside/inside at it pleased. But in our townhouse, we have no yard.  On the days I don't work I could take he/she to the dog park and go on walks.  We were thinking we could put some of those puppy pads that look like grass on our porch and put a gate up so it couldn't get out and put a doggy door in our door so it could come in when it wanted.  But I would kind of be afraid of someone letting the dog out or stealing it or something.  I've looked in to how much it would cost to hire someone to come over during the day to feed/walk the dog, but it's pretty expensive.  I can't quite come to terms yet with not ever having a dog for the whole five years we are here. I love them too much! 

To make matters worse, this week at the Arizona Humane Society, all adoption fees are waived! So practically a free adoption (don't worry, they make potential owners go through a screening process first).  I want to give a sweet deserving dog a good home so bad...just don't quite know how to do it yet!  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks!

Mrs. Wise

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